

About Me

I’m Rebecca Brown Wright, and I believe we’re living in a culture of serious mom hurt. The phrase “mom guilt” is used so often that it probably should be an entry in the dictionary. It’s a phrase we all immediately understand because we’ve been conditioned to believe that as mothers, we should be feeling guilty for something at some point during each day of our life.

But I don’t believe this helps us to grow into the moms we are meant to be.

I believe that we are so much more than those things for which we think we should feel “mom guilt.”

I believe our society teaches us to see only our weaknesses. To obsess over our weaknesses. To hate ourselves for our very human weaknesses.

And when we are only seeing our “worst parts,” we aren’t connecting with ourselves or with our children -- our most important responsibilities in this life.

I believe that dwelling in the “mom guilt” leaves us to miss out on important connections. It isolates us and makes us feel worthless, when in fact we are worth an infinite amount. And that can never change.

We need connection -- connection with ourselves and our strengths and connection with our children.

Taking a strengths-based approach to motherhood allows us to thrive and connect in all the meaningful ways we are meant to.

I’m a mom of three kids, a writer, a lover of summer and all things hot, and a believer in positive change.

I truly believe the world can be changed when we know who we are and when we love ourselves. And I’m on a mission to help moms live in their strengths -- and change the world together.

Want to connect? Send me an email at connect@rebeccabrownwright.com

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